Join the Troublemakers

Troublemakers is founded on the belief that we need more community to build effective actions. We need each other, and we will need each other even more as we face climate-fueled disasters.

Why engage in direct action?

We cannot stand aside while racial capitalism and neocolonialism destroy this beautiful planet and its biodiversity, all for the benefit of a few. As residents of the United States we are benefiting from this injustice, even if we don't want to. The system is designed this way. What we can do is resist the corporations, governments, and institutions that are locking us into a terrifying future--and also resist a so-called eco-fascist response that means we're only looking after those we perceive to be "our own." For the moment, at least, most of us face less risk in our resistance than many people around the world.

What does it mean to join?

We are asking people to sign up and commit to taking at least one action per year. By committing, you are also welcomed into the Troublemakers community, where we will hold social events monthly, trainings, and more. We see Troublemakers as additive--not a replacement for your other groups, but a way to engage as part of a broader fabric. Read our mission and values, and if you’re in agreement, join us!

Join the Troublemakers

Yes, I want to be a Troublemaker! I commit to taking action at least once a year.

  • Not in US? United States
  • We'll be in touch by email or phone to set up a quick orientation call.

  • Please take a moment to read our mission, goals, and agreements.

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